Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Zahramay Dreams:While sleeping over at Shimmer and Shine's palace, Leah dreams of them riding on shooting stars. After waking up she tells her genies about her dream and she hears about their dreams. However when Leah tries to wish for her dream to come true, it does not work and her genies explain that only the dream genie Nadia can grant such a wish and that she lives in a palace somewhere, so Leah wishes to travel there which summons a cloud that can take them there. Meanwhile Zeta is flying Nazboo around on her scooter to help him fall asleep though the girls fly by and wake him up to Zeta's frustration...
Careful What You Wish For:Princess Samira invites the girls and Zac to her palace. Samira shows them her library containing magic books and gems. Zac notices a Caliana Crystal which the girls and Samira explain comes from the Caliana Caves and how it soaks up wish magic preventing wishes from being made near it. Samira then shows them the wish room which contains wish magic which Samira uses to create wish items for Leah and Zac's world. When a bunch of wish ladybugs, Samira leaves to chase after them with other genies in the room leaving Zac and the girls to explore the wish room, though she warns them not to make any wishes as the magic in the room will cause any wish to be granted over and over...